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Ken and Elise Kilgore

We are SO THANKFUL for an amazing year!

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to His power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21


Through your prayers and financial support, God enabled us to…

  • Prepare 15 young adult couples for lifelong love by mentoring through SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts).

  • Lead weekly chapel services for a group of foster youth through which 9 hearts opened up to Jesus!

  • Encourage, befriend, mentor, and disciple more than 28 emerging adults this year.

  • Celebrate emerging adults who are now stepping into their careers. One such amazing young lady is Brooke Spradlin. Through Brooke’s journey of cultivation, God has planted her in Kalispell, Montana with an exciting and fulfilling career! WATCH Brooke’s story below.

Thank you Brooke, for sharing your story! Thank you Cultivate supporters, for enabling us to foster community, growth, creativity and purpose in emerging adults.



On October 23, we held our Annual Event for 2023 which we called "BRANCHING OUT." As we look toward the future, we are excited about the opportunities God is providing to help the next generation and to stretch our faith. If you were unable to attend, we would love to tell you about how God is leading Cultivate to expand our reach as we move forward. It is too much info to put into a single post, so text Elise (678-571-6094) and we will schedule time with you when you are available to talk.



After your busy weekend enjoying family, friends and delicious Thanksgiving food, remember that Tuesday, Nov 28 is “Giving Tuesday.” We would be honored if you would consider making a gift to Cultivate to help continue the work of fostering community, growth, creativity and purpose in emerging adults for the glory of God! Click the button below to give.

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