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Cultivate Updates - September 2021

Ken and Elise Kilgore



Evan is an incredible young man with a compassionate heart. We met together for COMPASS during winter and early spring this year. As Evan prayed and evaluated his assessment and personal history results, he felt that God was leading him to pursue a career in elementary education.

He then changed his major and took a Psychology in Education class at his college. This class actually put him in an elementary school. As he worked on his class work, he was able to assess the environment and observe teachers. He loved it!

He discussed his newfound plans with his college advisor. She told him that as soon as he has completed his associate’s degree, she will seek to find him a paraprofessional position so that he can actually work in education while he is completing his degree. 🙌🏽

Our prayer for COMPASS is that each person is able to see God working out the details of their lives as they seek to follow Him. It was exciting to follow up with Evan and hear God’s faithfulness in his journey.



We have had a wonderful, busy summer with COMPASS. Participants are now exploring careers in fields including: skilled trades, physical therapy, occupational therapy, mathematics, music, law, landscape architecture, child life specialist, and machine learning.

COMPASS is ever evolving as we continue to learn about the world of work, and how we can help a young person to discover the career that best fits his/her aptitudes and interests.

We are thankful for so many of you who are willing to have a conversation with an emerging adult about your career. Your insight and advice are taking COMPASS to a whole new level. Young people are so much better able to discern by listening to your stories and/or visiting your work.

If Elise has not contacted you about being a “10 minute mentor”and you would be interested in answering questions about your career, please contact her at



We are so excited for our friend, Drew. Recently, he was promoted to Staff Sergeant and given a new commission. He met with us for COMPASS back in the Spring while he was trying to discern his next step in his career with the military. We are thankful for the opportunity to get to know this exceptional young man via Zoom. Please pray for Drew and for the many young men and women who are serving in our armed services. ”


SAVE THE DATE... You're Invited

You are invited to our Cultivate

Supporter Event: Better Together

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 @ 7:00pm

McEntire Pavilion

1 Young Avenue

Newnan, GA 30263

Dessert provided!

Our Guest speaker will be Kevin Paul Scott, Co-Founder of ADDO Worldwide, a leadership consultancy which builds leadership programs, products, and experiences that inspire and equip individuals, teams, and organizations to lead well in society.



The five fastest growing occupations (2019-2029) according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Wind Turbine Technicians - 61%

Nurse Practitioners - 52%

Solar Photovoltaic Installers - 51%

Occupational Therapy Assistants - 35%

Statisticians - 35%

These percentages are startling when contrasted with the average growth rate for all careers, which is around 4%.



Cultivate is committed to provide services free of charge. This means our ability to continue to do what we do is wholly dependent on God continuing to send supporters who believe in this ministry and generously support this work financially.

So many of you already support Cultivate through your prayers and financial support. We cherish your continued support and cannot tell you how thankful we are for your partnership. If you aren't yet a Cultivate partner, we ask that you consider joining our support team.

The easiest way to give is to use our online platform, provided by PushPay. Visit or simply text the word "Cultivate" to 77977 from your mobile phone. You can also contact for more information.

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