Cultivate has been busy!!! As always, our goal is to foster community, growth, creativity, and purpose in the next generation. Here is an update on all of the ways that Cultivate is investing in the lives of emerging adults who are learning how to navigate through life and make Jesus known. We are coming alongside them to help them discover (and step into) who they are and what God is calling them to do.
Presentation at the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home - March 19.
Our friend, Beth Everett, was on our first COMPASS retreat two years ago. She is now working as Activities Director for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home and asked us to come share with GBCH’s leadership about the things that Cultivate is doing. On March 19th, we had a great time dialoging with their leadership about what Cultivate offers and how we can assist them. Please pray for wisdom as we continue to explore this possibility.
Coweta Foster Family Easter Eggstravaganza - March 23.
We are grateful for the opportunity we had to bless Coweta foster families again through Cultivate Kitchen by preparing a barbecue meal for their annual Easter Eggstravaganza. Michael, a young man who is passionate about cooking and hospitality, oversaw the logistics of the meal and its preparation. He and two other Cultivate friends helped us cook. Eight Cultivate friends helped us to serve and love on the families. Jenn, the coordinator said, “The food was delicious but it was also so cool to see everyone interact with the kids.” As we were cleaning up afterward, one of our volunteers asked, "When can we do another service project like this?"
Secret Church 2018 - April 20.
In countries where Christianity is banned, believers are not permitted to meet freely as we do here in the U.S. Instead, they can only meet at limited times and in secret, and when they do, they must get in as much Bible teaching as they can. "Secret Church," which is an annual event led by David Platt, offers an opportunity for believers to come together for a time of intense biblical training like the persecuted church does. On April 20th, Cultivate hosted a simulcast of this event. For six straight hours, we met with young adults to learn God's Word and to pray for the persecuted church in Malaysia. We also served a Malaysian meal as we prayed for our brothers and sisters who are living in harm’s way there.
ROOTS - Saturday mornings at 9am
Ken is currently teaching the Book of John for our Saturday morning Bible study and breakfast. This is such an important book for building one’s faith. Pray that those who come fall deeper in love with God’s Word, and choose to live it out.
Our mission statement is “to foster community, growth, creativity, and purpose in the next generation”. As we have met with several Mosaics over the past few months, we are increasingly aware of the challenges they face and the brokenness they carry. We are praying about how we can speak into this. We can certainly affirm current statistics - four primary issues plaguing the next generation are:
Purpose (COMPASS addresses this 🤗)
Suicidal thoughts
On April 28th, Elise attended a suicide prevention workshop hosted by Crossroads Church to educate herself regarding how to help people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. Please pray with us about how Cultivate can help with this issue.
Over the last couple of months, we have facilitated COMPASS one-on-one with five Mosaics. Although we feel it is more effective for COMPASS to be done within the context of small group (and community), we have enjoyed seeing these amazing young adults learn new things about God and about themselves.
We want to invest in the lives of more and more students, SO... we are announcing dates for upcoming Cultivate Adventures (i.e. COMPASS Retreats). Our upcoming retreat dates include:
July 9-13
Sept 13-17
Please pray for us as we work out all the logistics.
