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Cultivate Updates - June 2021

Ken and Elise Kilgore

Cultivate had a busy spring season. We are so thankful to be back in full swing again! Here is a brief glimpse of what we have been doing....



The first weekend in March, we prototyped having slumber parties for the IF:Gathering 2021 Simulcast. We had four host homes/friend groups. Although there were some hiccups (hence the reason to prototype!), it was a resounding success. In the coming year, we are hoping to provide slumber parties for college dorms as well as host homes. We appreciate your prayers for this!



Word is spreading about COMPASS. As we begin our first 6 week cycle of one-on-one consultations for the summer, we are nearly booked up for the second round which will begin late summer. The challenge in managing our schedule is that we want to be open to meeting with emerging adults for as long as they need it. Sometimes this means meeting long after the COMPASS experience.

In April, Elise was given the opportunity to introduce our COMPASS process to Coram Deo Classical School. In the picture above, the students are looking at pictures of different careers to see which ones “resonate”.



Secret Church was exceptionally challenging this year as David Platt discussed “The Great Imbalance” - the need for sharing the Gospel with unreached people groups. As in previous years, we enjoyed cuisines of some of the countries we prayed for. We so look forward to this event each year!



In May, we were given the opportunity to have a COMPASS One Day (Introduction to COMPASS) with some of Crossroads Church seniors. Our amazing team leaders led the group in challenges (compass, design, and game), Elise led discussions showing design in nature and each person's unique design. Ken led discussions regarding calibrating our life"Compass" to "True North," helping to distinguish between the ever changing culture and Jesus who is "the way and the truth and the life." We had a great day with our team and the amazing emerging adults who came.


TECHNOLOGY - We can't live with it... We can't live without it!

Over the last couple of months, we became aware that our emails were not being received by the people we sent them to. After several weeks of problem solving, Ken has rectified the problem. There were issues with our website as well as our emails. We did not want to send a newsletter until we knew you would receive it. If you have tried to contact us during this time, we apologize for the problem with communication.


Thank you for your encouragement, prayers, and support for Cultivate. We pray that "...the God of hope (will) fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

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