This is how Tim Elmore of Growing Leaders, Inc. describes our current culture. We are in times where there is no historical reference… We can’t learn from the past, so we are all struggling to find our way through the uncharted waters. Dr. Elmore encourages us during these perilous times, to hold to truths and principles that are timeless.
As we discuss life one on one or in groups, we are more convinced than ever that the Bible is relevant to today. While modern culture pushes it to the perimeter, we find within its pages answers to the meaning and purpose of life. We also find wisdom to help navigate our journey. Its truth is an anchor in scary times.

Designing Your Life, by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, teaches us to “reframe” our thoughts so that we can move forward. So many times as we are talking with young people, we teach them to reframe their thoughts through the truth of God’s Word.
Dysfunctional belief: “I can’t”.
Reframe: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
Dysfunctional belief: “I have no purpose.”
Reframe: “You were created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God planned in advance for you to do.” Ephesians 2:10
We are so thankful to have the Bible as the guidebook for life.
We are so thankful to you for giving us the opportunity to speak into the lives of the next generation.
Georgia Baptist Children’s Home Prom, 4/6.
Creative Cultivate friends are helping to design the set. Several of us will help them implement the design. We are also gathering formals, ties and men’s shoes to be used by the GBCH kids. If you would like to help us with this or have formal clothing to donate, just let us know!
Coweta Foster Families Easter Extravaganza, 4/13.
We will be cooking and serving the food again this year, as well as helping foster kids have a great day of fun.
Secret Church, 4/26. Registrations are online on our events page. You are welcome to join us!
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