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Cultivate Update - August 2022

Ken and Elise Kilgore


Teaching is a rewarding career, but it can be disillusioning at times. Rachel has been an educator for a couple years but decided to go through our COMPASS process during a particularly difficult school year. She no longer believed that she was meant to teach and wanted to explore other career options. As we explored Rachel’s design, it was not only obvious that she is suited for teaching, but she is also very passionate about investing in the lives of young people, especially underprivileged youth.

As Rachel processed her situation, she realized that it wasn’t a career change she needed – it was a change of school environment. After much thoughtful consideration, she began exploring other schools in other areas and states, which led to her accepting a job offer from a middle school in Orangeburg, South Carolina. This new position allows her to teach as well as love on youth who come from poor socioeconomic backgrounds.

We are so happy for Rachel and look forward to hearing many stories about students whose lives have been changed because of her influence.


In the book, Experiencing God, we are encouraged to watch and see where God is at work. It’s a beautiful thing to see Him at work through a young person who is fully devoted to Him. Larissa has attended our Secret Church Simulcast events for several years now and we have seen God developing her in life and leadership. She received her degree in Biblical Studies, and then joined the staff of a local children’s home in our area.

As Larissa worked with the youth in her cottage, she grew increasingly concerned about their spiritual lives. She began to pray and then sought permission from her leadership to organize a worship service and meal for the kids each Monday. Larissa’s friends have come alongside her to help accomplish this. Cultivate is honored to join in by providing the audio-visual equipment each week, and a meal for the kids one Monday each month. Volunteers are always needed! If you're interested, please let us know. We will get you in touch with Larissa!


As a family, the Kilgores just celebrated the 70th wedding anniversary of Ken’s parents, Roy and Betty. As many of you are aware, one of the services Cultivate provides is pre-marriage counseling using the SYMBIS profile (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) provided by Les and Leslie Parrott. We have had the privilege of investing in over 30 couples through pre-marriage counseling over the past 6 years with another couple about to start.

Statistics show that less than .1% of marriages ever make it to 70 years. One of the things we did in our time together with Pop and Mom that day was ask them questions about their journey. One of those questions was about facing difficult times together. They shared about the agonizing journey of losing their daughter to cancer and how the Lord carried them through that time together and provided hope beyond this world through the truth of the gospel. They have endured and overcome much in their journey and now they are leaving a beautiful legacy of what a God-honoring marriage looks like.

We couldn't help but think about all the young couples we are having the opportunity to invest in these days and wondering what each of their legacies will be. Please pray for us as we continue to meet with young couples preparing for marriage and do our best to help them begin well and hopefully finish well together.


We have several young friends who are currently going through very difficult adult situations. Often times, God does not deliver us from our difficult situations but rather through them. Later on, when we reflect back on our lives, we realize that God was able to grow and shape us and accomplish his work through these difficulties.

We have many examples of God's people recorded in the Bible whose very legacies are found in the trials and difficult circumstances God carried them through. When we read stories like that of Joseph being thrown into a pit by his own brothers and Daniel and his three friends being carried off into exile in Babylon, we are reminded that God is painting a bigger picture than any of us can see with our eyes. Please join with us in praying that these young people will experience God and their faith will grow as He is with them and carries them through their situations. Please pray they will have endurance and hope when there seems to be no hope.

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18



Cultivate is committed to provide services free of charge. This means our ability to continue to do what we do is wholly dependent on God continuing to send supporters who believe in this ministry and generously support this work financially.

So many of you already support Cultivate through your prayers and financial support. We cherish your continued support and cannot tell you how thankful we are for your partnership. If you aren't yet a Cultivate partner, we ask that you consider joining our support team.

The easiest way to give is to use our online platform, provided by PushPay. Visit or simply text the word "Cultivate" to 77977 from your mobile phone. You can also contact for more information.

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